Microsoft ASP.NET Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft)) Review

Microsoft ASP.NET Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
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Microsoft ASP.NET Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft)) ReviewMost of Microsoft's Step by Step books suffer from the same basic problem - they explain the really easy stuff in tedious depth, while skipping over and assuming you already understand the difficult stuff. This book is one of the worst examples of this. Tedious chapters on very basic "security" or "configuration" is given but nothing is really explained when it counts. The configuration chapter has endless tables of parameters and possible values, but all too often says things like "a valid encoding string" without explaining what that is. While really dumb basics like "how to create a virtual directory" are covered (twice, with the same step by step graphics) terms like "you must use free-threaded objects" are thrown into the text very early on with no explanation for the poor novice as to what the heck this means. Screenshots are from beta 2 rather than release candidate so basic screenshots or references to "select Web Class" are incorrect (it's now called "ASP.NET web class"). Easy to figure out, but is this series aimed at novices or not?
Worse than all of this is the fact that apart from a very brief introduction to VS.Net in an early chapter (the quick overview of the different panels all books give) you get half way through the book without ever having opened VS.Net or typed in/written any code. Isn't this series supposed to be aimed at developers? Shouldn't we be getting into "doing" something instead of endless guff about "Notepad.Net" (it wasn't funny the first time) or how passwords should be a certain length if you want to be secure or... well you get my drift.
The other book in this series that I've seen (the OOP Step-by-Step) book is not great (lots of complex material presented in a "type this in" fashion without any real explanation of what's being typed in and why) but at least gets the developer doing something and has some pretty solid code and concepts behind it. This volume just comes across as tedious, repetitive and unsatisfactory for both new developers and experienced ones who want to get up to speed.Microsoft ASP.NET Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft)) OverviewThere is no book that we are aware of, either current, or in the pipeline, which matches this book. There are books already available that touch on ASP.NET performance topics, such as Microsoft ASP.NET Step-by-Step Guide. However, the difference with our book is that (1) it is focused exclusively on ASP.NET performance and optimization and (2) it will go much further in depth than any book currently on the market. The current ASP.NET books all focus on how-to, with performance issues tossed in for good measure. Performance Tuning and Optimization for ASP.NET Applications tackles performance issues head on, and makes them the central topic.

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